As previously mentioned on a former post , I have concerns regarding the amount of heat building up in our 2004, Journey 36G electrical compartment. I previously installed a fan to move cooler interior air as we are traveling through the electrical compartment. The Dimensions Inverter/Charger, transfer switch and Surge Guard are mounted in the main part of the electrical compartment and the Allison computer is mounted within the compartment behind a solid sheet steel partition. I am concerned that excessive heat will cause equipment failure.
The exhaust muffler, which sits within 1.5” of the back wall of the electrical compartment, is a major heat contributor. With the compartment door closed the heated air is trapped. To help air flow I decided to remove the solid sheet steel partition panel and install a metal open grill partition. To accomplish this I purchased two grills (12” x 24”) and fastened each grill to an aluminum angle at the ends so the angles can be fastened to the compartment walls in the same manner as the original panel. I then fastened the two panels in the middle with bolts and washers. I used the two grills because I was not able to find one grill large enough to do the job. It’s not fancy but if it helps reduce the heat load I will be very satisfied.
The next step is to install an aluminized heat barrier to the backside of the electrical compartment wall.
Original electrical compartment sheet steel partition:
The new and old panels:
The new panel installed: