Originally Posted by rcleaver
The customer service person at Newmar said he had never heard of anyone being locked in their coach. I told him to search the IRV2 Newmar Owner's Corner. It has happened before.
There seems to be a lack of operational communications at Newmar. The folks at customer service are not always aware of issues that we owners face in the field. That results in the frequent "never heard of ...." response. Also the finds and fixes that service techs discover don't always seem to make it to the production floor. Each department (and sometimes within the departments...one service tech team not talking with another service tech team) sub optimize their own workspace sometimes (and mostly) at the expense of the entire operation.
Where and when I worked we had a daily senior managers meeting to open interdepartmental communications and head off problems before they arose. We also had an overlapping production shift managers meeting (at every shift change) to discuss issues at the shop floor level. After these meetings were set in place productivity and quality improved greatly. So did the bottom line! The companies health and well being were the focus, not just how many widgets (our previous metric) were moved past someones workstation. We were a Lean Manufacturing site that earned their ISO 9001 and 14001 credentials.
The issues at Newmar are fixable. It simply would take interest, buy in, and action at the very top of senior level management. For that matter, it requires buy in and action at every level from the CEO to the person who sweeps the floor. For sure, it is a somewhat painful process to implement. But once implemented, the entire operation operation becomes a "well oiled machine".
- end of rant