Nice upgrade!
I know many think it's a waste, but when you have a bad back, the FWS is out, the campsite is high on that side and there is a hedge along the coach (perfect storm

) its a bear to crawl under there and dump the tanks.
On my 2014 DS, I ran the wiring from the wet bay to the half bath fuse cabinet so I could dump from inside the coach.
On my 2019 DS, Newmar did a special and ran the wiring to the half bath and I finished it when we took delivery. What's nice is to be able to dump prior to departing from inside the coach. I open the black tank valve, shower, close the valve and the tanks are empty and the hose is clean.
Here's something I've learned.....since the macerating toilets turn the waste into a slurry, you don't even need to run the SaniCon, just open the black tank and will drain pretty much like the grey tank.