yes I did. It was the Equalizer system.
I would bet you have already replaced the propane detector. They are good for 7 years, and it went off within 1 week of when it the coach was made.
On the EQ leveler system, if the voltage is below about 12 volts it has an alarm at the key pad. The key pad is easy to remove and has a single connector. Unplug the connector and check the voltage going in, I am pretty sure it was the red wire, mine measured from 8-10 volts. Check with a good ground somewhere else on the coach. Make sure your chassis battery is good. also check all the connections in the engine compartment on the EQ hydraulics. I had to tighten those up several times over the years. In my case, it was a corroded wire located at the main controller underneath the coach near the entry steps. Check all the connections there, I think there were two connectors going into the controller.
if you want to be certain it is the EQ system, unplug the keypad for a day or so and see if the beeping goes away.
I have another post here:
I would be suprised if it is the same exact thing, but I would bet you have a bad connection somewhere.