The Alpine Coach Association is planning to hold the Heritage Rally in San Diego during the September 30 thru October 5, 2009.
(We need one more approval to be able to offer this Rally, and we need to know how much interest there is, please let me know if you are likely to attend. Send me a one word email saying either YES……NO…or…MAYBe, or call 619-392-8775)
We will camp on the <span class="ev_code_RED">Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar</span> (dry camping) with a party tent.
There will be a shuttle daily to the AIR SHOW.
Saturday from 9am till 4pm we will have our own ACA Chalet that includes a continental breakfast, lunch, beer, soda & water plus private seating front & center for the SHOW!
We will also have a choice of a <span class="ev_code_BLUE">SAN DIEGO HARBOR CRUISE</span> or a tour of the
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">USS MIDWAY MUSEUM!</span>
A Thursday night Wine & Cheese Party plus a Friday noon BBQ provided by a dealer.
$450.00 per coach (ACA Members)
SOB’s (Some Other Brand) $475.00 per coach but waitlisted till ACA members have responded
Miramar Air Show
USS Midway
So if you are interested please contact Paul Sullivan or 619-392-8775