[QUOTE=Jason911;6372261]Hello all!
Anyone upgrade from a 4 to a 10 button?
I found refurbished units and did it on both of my old MH.
However, the rear A/C stopped working a few years later. There are 19 possible failure points even if the controller is working right.
I got to thinking about the first A/C I installed in a TT in 1980. It was horrible. You had to stand up and reach up, turn the on/off switch to the on position.
I was a mechanical engineer but since the navy trained me to use on/off switches on nuclear powered ships, I soon figured it out.
BIL was in the USAF. He once got a work order from a pilot that a piece of gear did not work in the official (abbreviated off) position.
Anyhow for about $100, my rear A/C works great. I do have to get off my butt but I have to go to the can depending on beer consumption.
Kit & Rita (in memory)
37 foot ‘98 HolidayRambler Endeavor diesel pusher