Kraig & All - YES, YES, YES, today, I went to Radio Shack and got the cable adapters so I could run the radio into the AUX port on the Jensen. Low and behold, when I went looking into that vast cavern under the passenger side of the dash, there was an antenna lead, all coiled up and laying on the floor (there is also a CB antenna wire as well, and I know the antenna is up on the roof-but that is too much to deal with). I plugged it into the radio, ran the wire to the Aux Port on the Jensen, and it works perfectly, in fact 1000% better than before, strong signal, more volume, and quicker lock on to my selected channel.
Thank you all for the information to assist in this installation.
FWIW-when I checked with Jensen for the sat add on, there price was 95 dollars. So just getting the aftermarket radio from Sirius for 29, and 10 in the adapter cables, I am 60 dollars ahead on the hardware. Now if I can just convince Sirius/XM to give me a great deal on the subscription to go out to when the Jeep expires, and then add the Acura later on.
This forum rocks and all are great knowledable in their understanding of these beast's.