I found this diagram on a different post in the forum concerning setting ride height. When I measure down from the bottom of the frame, do I measure to “A” or “B”? Measuring to A my current measurement is fairly close. But the coach has an extreme nose up appearance. That plate is 1/2” thick, so that’s a bit of difference. I’m having tires put on in the morning, and may have the alignment checked if they can do it. I want to make sure the ride height is correct.
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While there is a small amount of adjustment with the valve itself, if very far out of spec, these (come in several lengths) allow for easy, infinite adjustment:
Adjusting ride height is relatively easy to do, but modest changes in ride height can make significant changes in weight distribution. If you don't have the experience or the time to measure weight distribution after adjustment, you may be changing more than you bargained for. Changes in weight distribution can adversely affect handling and tire wear, especially if the changes occur corner to corner.
Old Scout
2015 IH45 Foretravel
2003 Alpine 40' MDTS [Sold]
New Braunfels, Texas