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Jerry, We installed a Classic Flame in our coach where the jackknife sofa was on the passenger side. We put it in almost 3 years ago and it still works fine despite some of the rough roads we have encountered. You can find our pics if you search..."We finally did it" in the Alpine forum. Sorry can't seem to link it on my iPhone. We love it. We use ours with the flame and embers, embers only or with the downlight as a night light. Even for heat to take off the chill. Ours is an LED.
Tom, Patty, Hannah "The Big Dog" and Abby Kat, Indianapolis, Indiana 2000 Alpine 36' FDS 72232, 2005 Blue Bird M450 LXI Our Photos
"We live out in our old van. Travel all across this land. Drive until the city lights dissolve into a country sky, just me and you - hand in hand." Zac Brown Band