Windy City,
I looked at a 32CA on a dealers lot recently.
The sticker to look for is the yellow sticker on edge of the main door (not drivers door.) That sticker is the DOT carrying capacity sticker.
This 32CA had an unloaded carry capacity of 2721 lbs, making the UVW 19279 lbs. The DOT standard for weighting is supposed to be with full fuel and propane, but no water or passengers. The sticker explains what water weights, and mentions you have to aubtract water and passengers to that 2721 carry capacity.
This 32CA had all options except the 15k front air conditioner and the 7000w generator.
I noticed that the Tiffen sticker in the closet showed about 500 lbs more capacity than then door sticker when adding back in the water and four 153 lbs passengers. I've read a number of comments on forums about the lack of accuracy on the closet stickers.
But I hope the DOT sticker on the door is accurate weight, as it is supposed to be actual weight and if more than 100 lbs get added before purchasers accepts it, the sticker is supposed to be redone. (I did notice the "water weight" info on that yellow sticker listed a 50 gallon water capacity, and the 2012 Tiffin's have 70 gallon fresh water tanks.)
The yellow sticker down by the driver seat is the one that is tells you the chassis weights for axles and tires. I keep missing the one on the door... by design maybe?
Hope that helps.