I am fairly new at this MH driving too, but not to diesel trucks. I just bought a 2006 and brought it immediately to WW Williams in Tucson (a large truck servicing chain) and the oil & filters replaced on the Cummings and Onan diesels. Had them replace both fuel filters, replaced the transmission Fluid including the two filters on that Allison MH3000, They replaced the serpentine belt and gave me the old one as a spare for emergencies in the box from the new one with the correct part number for reorders. They checked the coolant hoses and said they didn't need to be changed. They also checked the coolant and said it only needed a shot of nitrates. Also had them look at the wheel bearings and grease the chassis. All for about $1300 (a hundred bucks less than my last Chevy Silverado maintenance last fall.) I had been thinking it would be 2k.
2006 Allegro Bus 40 QDP IFS, 8.9L Bluefire(WIP) TCL Tab,, 1.5kw Solar + 400w Suitcase, 2@ 50amp & a 30amp Victron Smart MPPT's, 712BMV, SBS, CerboGX, 8.7kw LiFePo4, RR, MS2812, Max Transit, eero 6+ Mesh WiFi, Roof Mounted HP dishy, AGS-N