Your RV looks just like my '02 Winnie. I have the HWH hydraulic system and mine did somewhat like yours is doing but the bedroom slide. And mine it creeped in when I was parked. I took it in for factory service ( ripped off) at Winnebago Service in Forest City, IA. They told me that they had to replace 2 hydraulic solenoids, that one was bad but both were required to be changed. WRONG. That's only required by HWH when it's under warranty...they handed me an owners sheet which said that IN BOLD PRINT.
After the new parts were installed, instead of slowly creeping IN when parked for days or weeks, now it would creep OUT as I drove. Grrrrr. Took a year to 18 months for it to stop doing that. And I'm a full time RV'er.
What I learned is that creep out is caused by air left in the system and that it'll slowly work it's way back to the tank and to not worry about it. At least for my system.
What you could do is use the device that ratchets the slide in and attach it just before you drive away. That should hold the slide in place. Check basement compartments for that device...usually on the wall.
If you do have the HWH system, contact AZPete here on the forum...he works with us here on our HWH stuff because he works for them. Great guy. Doesn't charge for the advice.