AGM has practical advantages for those who aren't good at battery care, i.e. routine cell checks and annual maintenance. If you are the type to ignore batteries until one day they don't work, an AGM may pay off for you. AGM also is less likely to outgas and cause corrosion of nearby metals or electronics, which can be a big factor in some installations. For those long term advantages you pay a substantial price premium vs a 6v wet cell golf car battery. However, the price premium vs a 12v true deep cycle is much less.
I see no reason to change 6v wet cells to 6v AGM as long as the present batteries are in good condition. When replacement time comes, you can weigh the wet cell vs AGM decision based on your own needs.
Gary Brinck
Former owner of 2004 American Tradition and several other RVs
Home is now West Palm Beach, FL