Originally Posted by MrMark52
Sounds like a bad ground at or related to your instrument/control panel.
It’s why it always good to have a coach and chassis wiring diagram for your rig. And in this case, anOBDII scanner isn’t a bad tool to have as well - not that you necessarily have an OBD issue, but any codes you have may steer you toward what component might have a connection issue and is causing the code to be thrown.
It turned out to be TM102X module in SilverLeaf system. I went to MOT and worked with tech there to get replaced and reprogrammed.
The first module he received from SilverLeaf as a replacement turned out to be defective itself. Since I had a scheduled departure date from MOT, tech called over to FOT who had (his words) a refurbished one in stock. Opt'ed for that.
When he got, it need to be configured for my coach.
I watched him go setting by setting in the Silverleaf and use his Omniscope off the link for feedback. Amazing number of options and what they all do.
At the end of the day he was still befuddled by a couple of settings. One was the fuel system that read full 200 gal no matter what (I knew I was only about 150 full). I suggested as sort of a last resort to go over to another 2014 IH45 on their lot and go through/screen shot all those settings...thinking same year/basically same coach. Turns out several screens on the setup looked different.
A call to SL (another one) and they had him flip one setting in the accessories screen options which turned on and changed several other screens. Now they all matched the other 2014 IH and everything fell into line. All works as should now.
I immediately screen shotted all of the SL setup on my dash so if had to in the future, pretty sure I could reset/setup a new module myself.
Moral of story ...highly recommend to anyone to go into the diagnostic/setup (hold the drive/scan buttons down for several seconds) and page through each screen taking pictures of all your settings. Perhaps something everyone already knew/does but it was good learning for me.
"Glass dash" sure can be a lot more complicated then the old "steam gauges". I did add a Bluefire as back up but turns out my year Cummis isnt sending fuel tank levels or air tank levels via the J1939 (?). Later years i have heard are more likely to get that data.