We think you should stick with your original idea of a Foretravel. May take awhile to find one not priced to high - but, prices are always negotiable. Absolutely 2000-2005 the Foretravel "U" bodies are the way to go. In that era, they are much better built than a Newmar.
As for Newmar, we also thought about that. That era was generally good for them. HOWEVER, as was very common in that era, many manufacturers GROSSLY under powered their coaches.
We can pretty much be sure - that once you load the Newmar coach, add a toad, and start down the road you will be REALLY disappointed. The Cummins 8.3 wasn't necessarily a bad engine - it just did not have any where near the torque needed to push the heavy coaches they were putting them in. And going up mountains really emphasized the issue.
Manufactures switched to the Cummins 8.9 engine for a good reason. Foretravel and Monaco were ahead of the game on that one. Even today, manufactures under power their coaches just to keep the price down.
Bob & Kathy
The journey is the destination