I use the hitch tightener that Craig French recommended. I think I may have given him his first one. Some of them are really flimsy. This one is rugged, indeed. About $15
But none of these type clamps can really take care of the fact that your tow bar’s square tubing fits pretty sloppy in your receiver. The clamp listed above helps quite a bit, but the ultimate is to have the tow bar TOTALLY immobilized in the receiver. To do that, I machined a piece of 1.50 square bar to slide inside the tow bar’s square tube. Tapped a 5/8-11 hole through it that lined up with the hitch pin hole. I insert the assembly, and use a fully threaded Grade 8 bolt to essentially let the tow bar act as if it’s welded to the receiver. Use a Nylok nut on the protruding side of the bolt as a safety. And I also use the above clamp.
Made a HUGE difference in how well my 6400# Silverado + Harley tows