Originally Posted by wsmcycle
What do you mean "regeneration"?
From my manual...
Diesel Particulate Filter
The exhaust system is equipped with a DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) to lower particulate emissions. The DPF traps particulate matter. Naturally occurring exhaust heat oxidizes built up particulate and regenerates the filter. This is called passive regeneration. If passive regeneration is not sufficient, an active regeneration cycle will automatically initiate at speeds greater than 20 mph. Both passive and active regeneration cycles initiate automatically.
Passive Regeneration:
Passive regeneration uses heat from naturally occurring exhaust gasses to oxidize built-up
Active Regeneration:
An active regeneration cycle will be initiated if exhaust temperatures are not high enough to regenerate the filter. The motorhome must be traveling in excess of 20 mph for an active regeneration cycle to initiate. During an active regeneration cycle, diesel fuel is introduced into the exhaust system upstream of the DPF. The fuel will ignite and super-heat the
DPF to oxidize particulate matter. The HEST (High Exhaust System Temperature) dash light will illuminate when exhaust temperatures reach 1450º F., indicating that an active regeneration is underway and exhaust system temperatures are elevated above normal levels. These temperature levels may occur for up to 40 minutes. The HEST light will remain on until the exhaust temperature cools to 650º F., which may not be until the engine is turned off and the exhaust system cools before restarting. The HEST light does not indicate a fault as long as there are no other active warning lights.
If the engine is turned off during an active regeneration cycle, the cycle will automatically begin again (if necessary) when the motorhome is operated at speeds above 20 mph.
DPF Dash Light:
A DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) indicator light on the dash illuminates when an active regeneration cycle is necessary and has not been able to initiate. Driving the motorhome above speeds of 20 mph will allow an active regeneration cycle to initiate. The HEST light will turn on when exhaust temperatures reach 1450º F, indicating an active regeneration cycle is underway. Once the DPF is clear of particulate matter the DPF light will turn off.
DPF Light Warning System:
If the DPF remains clogged, there are four stages of the DPF light warning system. The HEST light may illuminate during this sequence, which indicates that an active regeneration cycle is underway. This should successfully regenerate the filter. The only indication that the DPF is clear and in good working order is the DPF light turning back off.
Stage One: The DPF light glows steady. This means that an active regeneration cycle is necessary but has not been able to initiate.
Stage Two: The DPF light flashes. The DPF filter is clogged to the point that the engine will slightly derate (lose power).
Stage Three: The DPF light flashes and the Check engine light turns on. The DPF is clogged to the point that service is required immediately. The engine will severely derate at this point.
Stage Four: The DPF light and Check Engine lights extinguish and the Stop Engine light turns on. Turn off the engine as soon as possible to avoid severe engine and/or system component damage. Do not drive the motorhome in this condition. The DPF will need to be removed for repair.
Hope this helps!