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Old 10-01-2007, 09:45 PM   #1
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Were in the San Diego area for the next month, and we have been having a lot of trouble with the black water valve. When I dump the tanks it seems like the is a build up in the slot where the valve's slide rides. You cannot get the slide to close. You can feel it seems to jam or hit something. The only way I can get the dam thing to close, is to use a Flush King and back flush the tank any where from 3 to 8 times till it clears up. I stymied on this matter, for I use the tank flusher every time but it has no effect on this problem. Also the gray water slide moves pretty stiff, but it does close. I have used tank lube every time in both tanks.

Could the valves be set at a angle at the end of the out let pipes. This points them to far down, letting matter accumulate in the slide track ? I'm just shooting in the dark here.

This problem is ruining our experience with a our new TDK, for it becomes a 40 minute job to dump the black water tank each time, and it is starting to draw a crowd after they see me working for 40 min. plus. Not good advertisement for the 07 Excel, or brand.
Roger Watts
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Old 10-01-2007, 09:45 PM   #2
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Were in the San Diego area for the next month, and we have been having a lot of trouble with the black water valve. When I dump the tanks it seems like the is a build up in the slot where the valve's slide rides. You cannot get the slide to close. You can feel it seems to jam or hit something. The only way I can get the dam thing to close, is to use a Flush King and back flush the tank any where from 3 to 8 times till it clears up. I stymied on this matter, for I use the tank flusher every time but it has no effect on this problem. Also the gray water slide moves pretty stiff, but it does close. I have used tank lube every time in both tanks.

Could the valves be set at a angle at the end of the out let pipes. This points them to far down, letting matter accumulate in the slide track ? I'm just shooting in the dark here.

This problem is ruining our experience with a our new TDK, for it becomes a 40 minute job to dump the black water tank each time, and it is starting to draw a crowd after they see me working for 40 min. plus. Not good advertisement for the 07 Excel, or brand.
Roger Watts
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Old 10-01-2007, 10:16 PM   #3
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Haven't had this concern. Is it possible that your using too much TP, not enough water on every no.2 flush (we plugged up the toilet on our maiden voyage-paramiding-we didn't realize how much water is needed on a poopy flush-count to 7). Blue chemical treatment? Using single ply paper? I'm just trying to run some things by you to think about. If this just happened once or twice, I would think you have something left inside the tank when new lodging the valve open. Did this seem to just start recently or has it done it since day one?
When flushing the black, I let it run 5 mins. while it is draining. Close valve let it fill for about 4 mins and allow to drain and close for a third time about 3 minutes and drain, and turn off flush, close when drained completely and restart flusher for 25 secs with valve closed for residual water in bottom of black. Add chemical. Your done.

Regarding the grey....if I leave mine open for more than about 3 days it kinda gets stuck in the open position and I carefully/slowly work the cable back and forth to free it up. Working back and forth seems to work it free, until I leave it open too long again!

I don't know how much help I was to you...maybe some things to ponder. Tom
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Old 10-01-2007, 10:45 PM   #4
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i like the idea of your count to seven on the flush. I'll try this.
We have been using the tetford tp and their chems. It seems to have started right after I got it, and it seems to be getting worse. This is our fourth RV in 19 years so were not new to RV lifestyle.
never had this problem with the older rigs. The minute I saw the T-handle for the dumps on this new Rv, I thought, this looks like it is a possible problem. The dump valves are semi buried. Not Good ! Pooper valves need to be engineered to be fool proof,and out where they can be accessed !
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Old 10-02-2007, 04:59 AM   #5
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I helped a friend once who had a plugged black tank. We used a Flush King for about an hour with little help. He then tried a snake that you would use in a stick house and that cleared the problem in a matter of minutes. I now carry a snake. The only problem with a snake is you have to be carful not to damage the toilet seal. Also have you tried putting ice cubes down the toilet just before you move? Then dump when you get to the next stop. Sometimes the ice will break up the clog as you move. I don't think I would rule out something getting dropped into the tank during construction. Good luck.
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Old 10-02-2007, 08:26 AM   #6
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I had the same problem on our DP just after we purchased it. I solved it by a trip to CW. I bought two new Valterra valves (black and grey) and swapped them out. The seals in the orig. ones had hardened (probably due to tank chemicals) and the "blade" that closes the tube was grabbing the mis-formed seals and it would bind in the slot near the bottom.

This blade needs to go past the inner lip of the seal and through until it just passes the outer lip. If you take them off, you'll see what I mean.

The new valves have a slightly slipperier (sp?) rubber on the seals that helps them work smoother. All it takes is a small socket and wrench...or a pair of small crescent wrenches to remove the four bolts and nuts on each of the valves.

BTW, the new valves come with new mounting hardware. Mine were stainless steel as opposed to the old galvanized (rusting) stuff.

This is really a 10 minute job that you can do anywhere...provided that your tanks are empty...

The valves were about $26 for both with the CW member discount.

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Old 10-02-2007, 08:47 AM   #7
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thanks ken, I think you might be closer to what is going on with the slides. I waiting for a repley from Smith Center on any of there ideas on what to do.
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