Yep. It sounds like you have a real oil pressure gauge. There was a thread a while back about some manufactures having a gauge that just shows a false number to prevent warranty claims for low oil pressure at idle.
Originally Posted by RV is for me
Sounds normal to me. Rule of thumb is minimum of 10 psi oil pressure per 1000 rpm.
George Schweikle Lexington, KY
2005 Safari (Monaco)Trek 28RB2, Workhorse W20, 8.1, Allison 1000 5 spd, UltraPower engine & tranny, Track bars & sway bars, KONI FSD, FMCA 190830, Safari Int'l. chapter. 1999 Safari Trek 2830, 1995 Safari Trek 2430, 1983 Winnebago Chieftain, 1976 Midas Mini