2003 Holiday Rambler-Vacationer, Model 36DBD
Workhorse W22 Custom Chassis
52300 Miles +/-
The 40 Amp fuse(40A IGN A) blows ever so often! When it blows, it leaves the dash dead and the motor can't and won't start. The first time it blew was on 5/30/10 when I went to leave from a campground. Disconnected the car and went buy more fuses, 2 fuses blew when I went to install each of them, after waiting a while I was able to install a new fuse without it blowing and the motor started up OK. Got home ok. Never turned the motor off!!.
On my way camping again on 7/2/10 my brakes lock up and I had to pull off to the side of the road. I waited till the brakes cooled down and when I went to start the motor I noticed the fuse had blowned again. Don't know if it blew when I stopped the motor or when I went to start it. Blew 2 more fuses trying to put them in, so I had to get towed to "Paw Paw's Camper" who is the "Aurthorized Workhorse Service" dealer in that area. I told them to check the blown fuse first, so they can move the motorhome for the brake repairs. They said they installed the 40Amp fuse with no problems. They said they started the motor a few times and all seemed OK now. I guess you can't fix something that isn't broke!!!. Picked up the M/H on 7/23/10 and went camping. Returned home on 7/26/10, everything fine.
Well on 8/6/10 I was getting ready to go camping again and when I went to pull out of my yard, the fuse had blown again. Installed another fuse OK. Pulled out on the road in front of my house and with the motor idleing, the engine quit, fuse was blown again. Installed another fuse, started motor, backed into my driveway and engine quit again, fuse blown again!!!

Any Ideas as to what is blowing the 40 Amp fues????
Does anyone have a circuit wiring diagram for the "40A IGN A" fuse for this unit.
Thanks in advance.