I have an 04 Itasca on W22 chassis and verified through Winnebago that there was no pre-wiring for the controller and therefore the blue brake wire that would run from the controller to the plug at the back was missing. My unit was pre-wired with a 6 pin connector so had everything for the lights and 12 volt power.
What I ended up doing was buying a 50 extension cord and cut the ends off, this adds additional protection/insulation and provided for additional wires from the dash to the rear if ever needed. On my unit it was impossible to get to and find a way to get the cable through the firewall. So I ran mine up through the doghouse. Was able to drill a 3/8 hole through the metal frame below the rubber seal, put in a rubber grommet, ran the wire through, under the carpet and up into the dash. Then threaded the cable following existing cabling and taking advantage of supports and tie downs all the way to the read. Took me less than an hr to do and has worked great.