1998 for. actually fuse location
I have a 98, possibly a 97 f53 chasis.
The house is a 98 Georgieboy 34 foot. The dash air won't work. If I add power to the wires going into the compressor ya hoo, cool air.
Seams like a fuse to me. The chassis manual shows a c class fuse location but no a class air conditioning fuse. I looked but the 2 are entirely different.
Does anyone know this location? Fuse box or power distribution box, or the large power distribution box on the furthest drivers side (the one with the solenoids in it). The c class manual says it's a 50 amp fuse. This sounds high, just to engage the clutch?.
1997 Georgie Boy Cruise Master F 53 Chasis 460
Davis Tru Trac
Safe Steer & Blistiens