I have never been a parts changer which is used to assist in diagnosing a noise. Often times the replacement part is charged to the owner which is not the best way to keep customers happy. There are other tricks. Here's one. When the noise is related to RPM's spraying one spinning part (pulley, bearing, etc) at a time may point to a specific part which is making the noise. An automotive stethoscope can be used to listen closer also helps to locate noises. Next spraying the serpentine belt will also effect the noise in different ways.
The serpentine belt goes around several pulley's. Look closely and you'll notice some pulley's are being run on the back or (smooth) side of the belt and others work on the tracked or drive side of the belt. The smooth side can't/won't drive the belt but the tracked side does. When a tracked or drive side is driving the belt it will/may make different noises/sounds.
The tension pulley is often a cause of belt and pulley noise. I'd change that pulley based on it's major function (belt tension) and age of your RV.
TeJay Auto Instructor/4-yrs USAF/ Liz: RN/ WBGO 2014 Vista 30T/ F-53/CHF/5-Star/Koni * Bella & Izzy * Golden /Cocker mix/ Louie The Cat* All Retired