I have a 1995 HR Navigator on a spartan MM chassis, and wanted to relate an issue that you might want to take a look at, for you spartan owners. The quick story is that the exhaust runs extremely close to the dessicant air filter, and in my case, actually rubbed about a 1/2” hole in the corner of the air filter. End result- air pressure won't come up and coach wouldn't come out of park; the best kind of failure in my book. I have the feeling that this happened in route returning from a 1000 mile trip, and, impressibly, once the system was compressed, the compressor could keep up with the demand. This could have ended in a disaster. To correct, a little coercion with a big hammer created a slight indentation and gave me the clearance I need.
I've had two different shops go over my RV during PMs, and I asked them both to check the dessicant air filter, and both of them missed this dangerous situation. Maybe I am using the wrong term.