Good evening Joe; I agree with Dutch Star Don, well, not the drinking part! I live here in Wa. State and with all the rain and moisture, moss, rust and webbed toes, our previous 2000 Monaco Windsor would act like there were ghosts in the electrical system for the dash. Lights going on and off, spedo was bouncing from 10MPH to 90 MPH. Once everything got warmed up, the ghosts did not like the heat and left. If this happens again, go out and drive like you stole it to get everything good and hot and dry. Also as Jacwjames mentioned, just try doing a code readout on the black button on the ABS module in the bay under the drivers seat. Had my ABS light come on once and called Monaco Tech line, back when they were good. Got the code and the light went out. Called the tech back with the code and he told me that was the code for everything checking out OK and that was why the light went out. Never had a problem with the ABS light again. Just a little more info for a Happy New Year.