Ps to my last post re cold weather operation.
Normally I disconnected my water hose, if you can get water outside at those temps, and drained it before storing and kept it in a heated bay. Some campgrounds in Wyoming have below frost shutoffs so water could be available and you can trickle water if you are connected to a dump but in extreme cold, I would disconnect the hose and store. I have an insulated and heated RV garage at home, so starting out on a winter trip is fine but getting water on the road is often more difficult. I have filled up at garages and dumped through toilets using my macerator.
Also left cupboard doors open where pipes were located to ensure no freezing in there. I had after market baseboard heaters installed in the front and back and very seldom did I need the propane furnace come on while I had sufficient AC power. but at times both were on. My baseboard heaters were wired on the same circuits as the AC units and never had them on at the same time.
Loved the quiet heat from the baseboard heaters, and always had the propane thermostat set a few degrees below that of the thermostats on the baseboard hesters.