Originally Posted by gvreugdenhil
Lost electric to lights and hot water heater. Still have electric to outlets.
Lights are almost always 12 volts.
Battery issue
Converter issue
Main fuse issue
Branch fuse issue
Water Heater may be 12 volt, 120 volt, or propane issue.
"still electric to outlets"
Outlets may use shore power. Check branch breakers to 12 volt converter/charger.
Outlets may use generator power. Check branch breakers to 12 volt converter/charger.
Check breakers on converter/charger.
Outlets may use inverter power. Is inverter supplying power to outlets?
Please supply details of operating conditions when things do not work.
Please supply make and model of inverter.
Please supply make and model of converter/charger.
Please supply make and model of water heater and whether trying to use propane or 120 electric.