On the diamond, if you press the Bottom (if it were a Joy Pad it would be marked DOWN) that will lower the rear jacks.. Hold it till the pump changes tone. note it may auto-stop (or not) at this point.
YOu may then need to touch the top button
NOTE; Side to side leveling is ONLY the rear jacks
The righ button extends the right rear jack
The left, the left rear
The down, both rear together
The UP (Top) button lowers BOTH front jacks togethere they are "T"ed so they work together.
Manual sequence
Lower front till it comes up a bit (not needed if level side to side)
NOTE: the more side to side you need the more you need to LIFT the front
Extend both rear till pump changes and a touch more.
Use right/left to level side to side.
Visually inspect to insure all 4 jacks DOWN on the ground.
DO NOT LIFT BOTH FRONT or Either rear wheel off the ground.
Home is where I park it!