Originally Posted by RVNewbie55
Maybe it had driveability issues. I would suggest a good 150-200 mile test drive. Even if you have to buy some fuel it would be well worth it IMHO. Also, you would have time to monitor all the gauges to look for heating issues. Could also watch the instant fuel mileage readout. The more things you check, the less surprises later...Bob
Good advice!! As well check all appliances and electronics.
It just may be that the five previous owners had health problems or it just did not suit them.
I have an older Imperial and it is a step or two down and we love the quality of the build. The Navigator would be my next upgrade or dream coach.
Good luck.
Dennis & Marcie & Captain Hook The Jack Russell,aka PUP, 2006 Itasca 29R 2017 Equinox toad. RVM59
We came, we went, nothing broken, nothing bent!