Phaeton durability concerns...
Hi Folks, DH and I are now looking for a used DP. We were checking out a 2008 Phaeton, 2008 Monaco Diplomat, and a 2005 Beaver the other day. The Phaeton looks to be in the worst shape of all three. Although it only had about 7000 miles, we already saw some caulking peeling off outside one of the slides, in one area the full-body paint had some cosmetic issues too, etc. The Diplomat was in pristine shape, and the cabinetry on the Beaver was simply jaw-dropping gorgeous - but I'm digressing. I'm just wondering if it's just this particular Phaeton, or Phaetons/Allegro coaches don't hold up their shape/conditions as well as the other brands in the same class, over time? Thx!