Roof - Fiberglass vs. Rubber
One of the points that made me decide on my Nation RV Seabreeze was the one piece fiberglass roof vs. rubber membrane. I assumed this was a superior roof construction, but I now have an issue and am not so sure.
Prior to my purchase the former owner had the roof resealed, in addition to many other things she addressed at her insistance, i.e. oil change, propane fill, brake check, etc.. Nice seller! She commented that the repair service that did the roof said that is was a good thing she had it done because whoever had done it time before used the wrong sealant, that is was not appropriate for rubber roof! (Her words to me) I said to her well it is not a rubber roof per the owners manual and my examination. Her answer, of course, was "well that was what he said"
Upon purchase I went up and examined roof and was all freshly sealed. Thought I was set for a year or so. Now I have a leak around the skylight in the shower. We were in Myrtle Beach in a torrential rain with 35-40 mph wind, in morning we noticed it was wet all around the skyligth. Visual examination of the skyroof around the skylight shows no sign of loose sealant, gaps or holes. Getting ready to take to shop to have looked at but not sure what to expect. Did notice that he skylight is two layers with screw that actually go through the dome itself to attach one to other, don't know if this is normal or prior attempt at some kind of repair.
Tom and Patty
The "Rode Crew"
2024 Rockwood Mini Lite 2109-S.