We have an '01 Fleetwood Pace Arrow Vision 36B. Today is the first day the overnight low was a bit below freezing, with another forecast for tomorrow, and we know more are on the way.
Last year, DH decided we didn't need to winterize and we paid for it dearly with new heater, pipes, etc. Don't want to go through that AGAIN.
So far, DH says he's drained the hot water heater and propane tank is empty. Last night before it got too cold, we put a small space heater on inside the MH, along with a floor fan. Both are hooked up to house electricity.
If we want to use the MH this winter WITHOUT running the risk of again having to pay for frozen pipe/heater repairs in the Spring, what should we do now - we get several days of below freezing temps at night in winter - mostly in mid 20's to 30, as we're at approx. 1500 ft elevation. Usually get a couple ofinstances of 5-6 inches of snow a time or two, but mostly just PacNW rain in winter.
SO - should we bite the bullet and go ahead and winterize now?
-When we have the space heater and fan on inside, should we crack one window open just a bit (seems I read that somewhere awhile back on this forum.) ? I do place moisture absorbers around the inside of the MH in winter.
- Should we run the engine and generator for 30 minute weekly or just once per month?
- Should we put the wheels up on long planks and move the MH a few inches each week so tires wear evenly?
-mothballs for mice and if so - where - around the outside perimeter?
-dryer sheets and if so, where should we put them? No evident yet of mice (we've had the MH for 3 years and live out in the "country" on acreage.
- what about the water filter below the sink and the water line to the washer/dryer unit?
-Can you leave propane in the propane tank in winter or should it be extracted?
Any other tips/recommendations much appreciated. If we had the bucks, we'd just drive the MH to the Oregon Coast and leave it there during the winter so we could still enjoy it.
Thanks - Jim/Susan in Merlin, OR