I wouldn't be without Safe-T-Plus
I wouldn't be without a Safe-T-Plus. It was the first thing I did when I bought this MH.
If you search the forum you will find others who had the same experience with a blowout and having Safe-T-Plus as I did on my previous MH. I was driving on I-10 in Texas running about 70 mph when the right front tire blew. I honestly heard it blow but didn't feel it. I was able to coast to a stop in the median. The force of the blowout blew the "fender" off that side and damaged a shock. The insurance adjuster couldn't believe how little damage there was. He said, and I also read, there is usually heavy damage and even injuries.
The tire that blew was no more than 2 years old and tire pressure adjusted to weight is always done before I drive.
2007 Winnebago Journey 36'
Numbers 6:24-26