We have a 2004 Travel Supreme coach and want to replace the faded headlight and taillight assemblies. If anyone knows the manufacturer and part numbers of these items, I would appreciate the help.
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You can get the head light renewal polish at automotive stores. Other than that you should be able to look closely at the headlamp or tail light to get a manufacturer name and or number. Go on the web to see what you find when putting in the MFG name and number. I needed to get a total replacement for my high beam light on my 2006 TS select 45. I found the Rally label on the light and searched and looked at hundreds of Rally light Assy on the web and found one at place in Gerogia. I ordered it and later found the same light Assy on Amazon for $50.00 less. I found the clearance lights in a NAPA catalog and also found them on Amazon once I got the Mfg and cat number.
did you ever find your new lens for head and tail lights? I am also looking for new lens on my 2003 T/S 40DSo3. Any help would really appreciated. Thanks
The headlights for the 03 is different. Find the Mfg on the lamp assy and do a search with that name. Also put the name in Amazon to see what you find or take the mfg name to Napa auto and have them look. Good luck. Dave W