The wife and I will be picking up a 2023 Anthem next week. I have been trying to compile an arrival and departure checklist to make sure I am getting everything done. I am not new to diesel pushers, but I am new to something this recent. Also, Entegra does things a bit differently compared to what I am accustomed to. I have attached the 2 page checklist I compiled (borrowed heavily from an earlier post on this forum).
Would you kind people mind reviewing my checklist and looking for anything I missed? I highlighted yellow two rows because I am not sure if I can run the slides out with the engine running, so I may have to reverse the order.
Thanks y'all. Any Entegra advice you can share is greatly appreciated. RV Community - Are you about to start a new improvement on your RV or need some help with some maintenance? Do you need advice on what products to buy? Or maybe you can give others some advice? No matter where you fit in you'll find that iRV2 is a great community to join. Best of all it's totally FREE!
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I normally do two walk arounds before moving. One looking from eye-level down, one from eye-level upward, checking all the compartments are locked. After pulling out of the spot, I'll have the wife do a check of the campsite for items left. Several times we discovered we left the boards placed under the stabilizers.
2018 Thor Freedom Elite 24
on 2016 Sprinter Chassis
Rich, you’re on the right track taking this seriously. Especially until it becomes second nature but even after that.
The order of somethings will vary by coach owner.
If we are going to air level we do it with the engine running. Then shut down.
Either way we make sure front wheels are straight before turning off the coach. I also tilt the steering wheel up before turning off the engine because my wife puts a table on it.
I agree with making sure heavy electric loads are off before you plug up or unplug.
I plug up to 50 amp right after parking. Then get heat or HVAC working as needed. Then push out slides.
One of the biggest things with your Entegra is don’t move the slides with the coach leveled. Be at or go to ride height before you move a slide. And if you have a pet be sure you have eyes on the pet before you move a slide.
Plenty of good advice on your checklist.
I don’t put an air gauge on each tire before a trip anymore. I have my TMPS dialed in now so I rely on the and just occasionally check the tire pressure with a gauge. Be sure the tires are not in the sun when you check pressure. Morning sun hitting the tires on the side of the coach can throw raise the pressure a good bit. This is normal and I don’t let air out.
But checking dishwasher lock, wine fridge lock, kitchen trash can drawer security, pullout kitchen counter security, bedroom and bathroom door security, main door security, etc… is all important. Just about everything that can move has moved on us at one time or another.
__________________ Hal and Pam
2022 Entegra Cornerstone W
2020 Ford Edge ST
Sold 2017 Entegra Cornerstone B
Thanks for the well thought out reply. The reason I have a bit of a pause before hookup of the 50A is because I like to let both the generator and engine rest for 3-5 minutes under no or light load before cutting them off. So I was trying to find 3-5 minutes worth of things to do before cutting the two engines off.
On your advice I am going to add final inspections for the interior prior to pulling out. Thank you again,
"One of the biggest things with your Entegra is don’t move the slides with the coach leveled. Be at or go to ride height before you move a slide."
I am curious why? On my Nimbus the coach needs to level as per the HWH system in order to open the slides. The slides also need to be confirmed closed before it will go into "Travel" mode.
Bohemia NY
2008 Nimbus 342 SE Carlyle
I plug up to 50 amp right after parking. Then get heat or HVAC working as needed. Then push out slides.
One of the biggest things with your Entegra is don’t move the slides with the coach leveled. Be at or go to ride height before you move a slide. And if you have a pet be sure you have eyes on the pet before you move a slide.
Originally Posted by d23haynes57
"One of the biggest things with your Entegra is don’t move the slides with the coach leveled. Be at or go to ride height before you move a slide."
Regarding establishment of shore power, plugging in the shore power is the very first thing that I do after parking at a campsite and the last thing I do before departing. That serves a couple of useful purposes:
1> it allows a check that the shore power is acceptable (volts/freqs). IF it's not acceptable, there's no reason to do any of the other setup process.
2> extending/retracting the slides places a heavy load on the house 12v system; why place that burden on the house batteries before the 12v charging system has been powered through the inverter/charger?
We always wait to establish the HVAC until after moving the slides. Being able to hear the noises associated with normal slide movement makes it possible to hear any unusual noises during that process. It's much easier to immediately stop the slideout movement at the very first unusual noise so that you can to investigate. The heat pump noise can mask any unusual noises.
Regarding the Entegra recommendation that slideouts be extended and retracted with the coach at ride height, the explanation that I've received from reliable sources is that the slideouts were installed/adjusted with the coach a ride height to assure clearance as the slideout makes the first couple of inches of movement out and the last couple of inches in. Moving the slideouts during those first couple of inches during extension or the last couple of inches during retraction with the coach not at ride height risks damage if the slideout isn't perfectly aligned in the sidewall opening. The clearance of the slideout in the sidewall is tight. A mis-alignmet as the slideout moves out, or in, during that couple of inches can cause damage.
Now, I have occasionally moved the slideouts in and out after dumping the air bags and leveling. I don't do that routinely. However, there have been occasions when I expected potentially hazardous weather (typically thunderstorms) that I partially retracted the slideouts, leaving them extended about 2", in order to minimize potential storm damage to the slide toppers. If I were ever parked somewhere that I expected snowfall, I'd probably employ a similar strategy to prevent snow from accumulating on the slide toppers.
Finally, regarding checklists. For me, the very most beneficial thing has been to make what I call two "Big Picture" looks BEFORE I move the coach. Those are accomplished during the final walkaround check and entail a walk to a point about 40 - 50 feet behind the coach and a similar walk to a point about 40 - 50 feet in front of the coach. While I'm admiring how beautiful it looks, I'm also confirming that all the umbilicals have been stowed, all awnings are stowed, the satellite antenna is stowed and a careful, critical review of any obstacles that might be a problem for the first 100 feet of our day's drive.
Take care,
__________________ "I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."
2018 Anthem 42DEQ
I almost left the cord plugged in once.
I drove 3 miles with the porch awing out, it was making noise so we started looking for that new strange noise.
did a drive thru the other day at a campground we stayed at in October where we watch a guy rip a pedestal out with his electrical cord, its still laying on the ground , there a total of 4 pedestals at this campground damaged and haven't been fixed.
I have then slap wrist bracelets on the steering wheel for the important stuff.
Not sure which coaches and when Entegra started doing this but my coach will give you a warning at the dash if you start the coach with the shore power connected. No such warning for a water or sewer hose though.
__________________ Hal and Pam
2022 Entegra Cornerstone W
2020 Ford Edge ST
Sold 2017 Entegra Cornerstone B
"One of the biggest things with your Entegra is don’t move the slides with the coach leveled. Be at or go to ride height before you move a slide."
I am curious why? On my Nimbus the coach needs to level as per the HWH system in order to open the slides. The slides also need to be confirmed closed before it will go into "Travel" mode.
I don’t know the Nimbus. I do know Entegra slide edges get inserted into the wall of the coach. As compared to a Tiffin Allegro Bus where the slide edges go around the wall of the coach but not inside the coach wall.
I think the Entegra slide policy on only move the slide when at ride height has been the standard for Entegra since the beginning or a carry over from Travel Supreme.
__________________ Hal and Pam
2022 Entegra Cornerstone W
2020 Ford Edge ST
Sold 2017 Entegra Cornerstone B
Everyone is spot on with their suggestions and the OP original checklist. One thing that I did with my first Diesel pusher was to develop a routine and follow it no matter what. There have been times where I was anxious to leave and I forced myself to do it the same way every time. This has caught many potential issues. I had a final check card printed and laminated and kept by the transmission controls and went through it every time before pulling out*.
BTW - I agree with 777, I always plug in shore power first and last.
* - rear window awning (sometimes doesn't retract), jack boards, dog leash, pocket door not shut all the way, refrigerator lock....
2023 Tiffin Allegro Bus 45OPP 2019 Birkshire 34QS - Traded
2020 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk with BlueOx/AF1