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Old 08-16-2013, 09:05 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by DSL417 View Post
Miles remaining...based upon inaccurate milage computed by the computer.

Too hard to worry stated earlier...bladder sends one to the rest area or truck stop more often that fuel required ==== plan stop at a half tank ... that gives your 1/4 of a tank (about 200 miles) to shop for price if the bladder holds out.

May be TMI, but that's what works and you don't have blood pressure going up because of worrying about fuel level!
Bladder or DW - either one will kick in at ~1/2
Cheryl and Emerson missing Rascal but loving our new buddy, Winston
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Old 08-16-2013, 12:23 PM   #16
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I guess I got lucky because the fuel gauge on my Travel Supreme (Spartan MM chassis) is pretty accurate (at least between 20-100%). I can usually estimate how much fuel I'll need based on the gauge within 5 gallons (5%) and I'm always within 10 gallons.

05 Travel Supreme Envoy
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Old 08-16-2013, 01:01 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by hogdriver View Post
Okay, I'll throw in on a favorite peeve

I fly jets for a living where judging your fuel remaining is somewhat important. They have gas gages, albeit rather expensive ones, sort of like my expensive house on wheels. I also have a Jeep and a Honda, both have gas gages that indicate empty when the tank is empty and/or the tank is full. They are considered a inexpensive vehicles. Somehow we RV consumers have accepted the notion that because some people are stupid or the manufacturer's (Spartan) that we better pad the indications to protect stupid people we will install a gas gage that basically indicates "full", "not so full", or "we think you ought to look for a gas station". I think Spartan could show industry leadership by installing a reasonably accurate gas gage (+-10%) with a warning signal below 10 gals and a genny cutoff below 20 gals. If they don't know how to make one like this I can forward the phone number for Toyota or Honda!!

Maybe I should go back to a long wood stick like I used to use on tractors to know when to look for fuel.
I don't fly jets or fly for a living but in my old 1965 Piper PA28-235 we use time flown and don't even pay attention to the gauge. The best fuel gauge I ever had was on the Piper Cub. I'm sure hogdriver knows what I'm talking about. It's just a steel rod on a cork float. Works every time even without electricity.

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Old 08-17-2013, 12:45 AM   #18
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I gotta admit. I use the odometer more than the gas gage for when to refuel. I think that crazy gas gage is more for bling than use!
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Old 08-17-2013, 06:33 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by hogdriver View Post
I gotta admit. I use the odometer more than the gas gage for when to refuel. I think that crazy gas gage is more for bling than use!
X2 Mine must have a rust spot on the sending unit. When I fill it, it shows empty until I use and 1/8th of a tank, then it will start working right. Ever since new, a 1/3 tank on the gauge still has over 40 gallons in a 100 gallon tank. The odometer is right 100% of the time.
Chuck in SW FL
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Old 11-20-2013, 11:40 PM   #20
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Does your gauge do this??

When I get to a little less than a 1/4 tank, my gas light on my dash comes on. Then, the gauge will go from a 1/4 tank to empty with a red light. It will stay like that for five seconds or so, then it goes back to showing a 1/4 tank. Yes, its a warning but the first time I saw that, I pulled over for fuel at a location that wasn't big rig friendly. When I filled the tank, I found that I still had a 1/4 tank and that I wasn't on empty like my gauge was showing. The gauge isn't broken.
Shawn and Donna
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Old 11-21-2013, 02:52 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by DSL417 View Post
That said, when my fuel light came on, and I hit the station within 10 miles, the most fuel I've taken on was 129 gallons. With a 150 gallon tank and a conservative 15% unusable, that would suggest that I had about 6 gallons left. That's around 50 miles and consistent with cars and pickups..
I think your math is wrong. 15% of 150 is 22.5. If you had that much unusable and added 129 gallons you would have 151.5 gallons in a 150 gallon tank!

My red light comes on at just above 1/8 tank. If I refuel within the next 20 miles, I still only take about 122 gallons. I guess the gauges differ from coach to coach, which does not really surprise me. Since we never really get them full, if is hard to predict, thus the conservative gauge. I wish I could get a wooden stick in there to measure, like I do on my plane.
Marc and Jill, Wellington FL
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Old 11-21-2013, 06:45 AM   #22
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Regardless of math (which I did correctly in a previous thread same subject, just didn't set the words right with the calculations in the previous thread), I learned a valuable lesson headed to Michigan...similar situation as Finally. Slow speed pump, tight in and out (even had to back a couple of times a couple of feet while connected to make a turn).

The question: WHY drop below 1/4 a tank? You can't tell me that you don't need at least two rest breaks in the 700 or so miles it takes to get to 1/4. Why not use one of those to pick a good fuel site? Just saying'...

Then you don't need to worry about usage levels, what's being measured, how it is being measured, etc, etc, etc...
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Old 11-21-2013, 08:04 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by DSL417 View Post
The question: WHY drop below 1/4 a tank? You can't tell me that you don't need at least two rest breaks in the 700 or so miles it takes to get to 1/4. Why not use one of those to pick a good fuel site? Just saying'...

Then you don't need to worry about usage levels, what's being measured, how it is being measured, etc, etc, etc...
You are correct and usually I do refuel by the time it gets to 1/4 or 700 miles. But sometimes there are reasons to push it. If you are driving from high fuel price states to low fuel price states, you can often save 20 bucks on a fill-up by waiting until you cross the state line. (I check prices at Or, the weather may be bad and you'd rather refuel on the next leg in good weather. Or, you have finished a long day's drive and you are tired. Prefer to stop the next morning. Out west there are places where there is no fuel for 100 miles or so except high priced fuel.

Plus, I hate taking the time to refuel more often than I need to. By going an extra hundred miles or so, I might be able to turn two fuel stops on a trip into one, and save the 30-45 minutes that a fuel stop often takes.
Marc and Jill, Wellington FL
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Old 11-21-2013, 08:41 AM   #24
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At least the fuel gauge is consistent in it's inconsistency! I've never heard anyone say I don't have as much fuel as the gauge says. I think the fuel gauge inconsistency is pretty easy to adjust to, but then I stop to get fuel, and no matter what I do, I'm never sure if I get the tank full. Angles, speed of fueling, weather, everything seems to affect it.
Has anybody developed the secret to getting the tank actually full consistently?
Gary & Leigh
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Old 11-21-2013, 08:44 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by DSL417 View Post

The question: WHY drop below 1/4 a tank? You can't tell me that you don't need at least two rest breaks in the 700 or so miles it takes to get to 1/4. Why not use one of those to pick a good fuel site? Just saying'...

Then you don't need to worry about usage levels, what's being measured, how it is being measured, etc, etc, etc...
I left my sisters house in Baltimore with a half a tank of fuel. I wanted to stop at Maple Donuts in I83 and refuel. According to the computer, I had plenty of fuel to get to my stop which is about 50 miles or so. The gauge dropped down to a little less than a 1/4 tank and the lights started flashing and the needed drops to empty, then goes back to normal. Since I have never seen that, I thought there was an issue. The computer still showed I had plenty of fuel mileage but I got nervous and pulled over at the next refueling stating..not big rig friendly. It would have been nice to know I had the miles to make it.

In a side note, I typically refuel about half a tank or just under a half (when the gauge reads half). I always like to be on the plus side of the tank.
Shawn and Donna
2014 Entegra Aspire 42RBQ, 2016 Mazda MX5 Miata
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Old 11-21-2013, 09:22 AM   #26
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I have never seen my fuel gauge act like yours did. When my light comes on, it stays on. You may have a loose wire or something.
Marc and Jill, Wellington FL
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Old 11-21-2013, 12:51 PM   #27
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I'd agree with Marc...haven't seen that, nor heard of it from others on this Entegra forum. Gary is on the mark about consistent inconsistency. Also pays to note that while in most things we're alike, the Anthem does carry 150 gallons w/ approx 130 usable. The Aspire carries about 100 gals and maybe 83-85 usable. Someone posted they got 930 mile on a tank of diesel...I just don't seem to be able to squeeze that much comfortably.
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Old 11-21-2013, 05:28 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by ShadowBolt View Post
When I picked up my new Aspire MHS had it half full.

JJ, tell MHS you want the fuel for the other half of your tank. On delivery from Buffalo RVone, we had a full tank.

When I get to a half a tank per the gauge, 30 gallons or so fills it up. I would think it should be closer to 45 gallons or so with the error of the gauge. With this gauge, I will never run out of fuel. I don't mind it being off on the plus side of things.
Shawn and Donna
2014 Entegra Aspire 42RBQ, 2016 Mazda MX5 Miata
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