Originally Posted by DreamCatcherVA
I expected the AGS SOC/voltage control not functioning on the Vega Touch after the upgrade, but I don't get the connection with the climate function. The Vega Touch can manually start/stop the Gen as well as auto start the Gen based on Temp (it doesn't seem to care whether heat or AC is set on/off. I'm beginning to think it may be programmed just for AC meaning shutting off when temp goes below a set point, not above. If so, somebody forgot to think out side the box. Then the only way around is to install the separate AGS controller.

I assume you have installed a ME-BMK (Magnum Shunt & battery monitor)? Aside from custom hardware/software, that's the only way you will get the SOC data into the Magnum infrastructure. If you still have your ME-RVC bridges connected to the RV-C, the SOC data will also appear on the RV-C canbus, however the Vegatouch just ignores that parameter.
Regarding HVAC trigger, since the Vegatouch can control the HVAC, knows the temperature for each zone, whether you are on shore power or not, and can start/stop the generator, it has all it needs to trigger the generator stop as well as a generator start. To do the generator stop, the code only needs to watch the zone temps and shore power status to make a decision to stop the generator. If it doesn't, it's a bug or omission.
Be aware, if you attempt to go with a separate AGS, and you want to trigger a genstart based on HVAC calling for heat or cool, you will need to find a way to electrically trigger the AGS module. The ME-AGS requires an optional component,
the ME-PT1 to accept a +12v signal that could be used to trigger a genstart. But within the Vegatouch world I don't know how you would accomplish generating that signal without some custom device and coding.
In the old days, including my coach, the AC roof units have a control module with a GEN output wire that goes high (+12v) when the [dedicated] thermostat calls for heat or cool. I don't know if that control signal is still available on a Vegatouch coach, and even if it was, it is unknown if it would be triggered by the Vegatouch system.
The Onan EC-30 AGS on my coach has three inputs that watch for those GEN signals from the three roof units. So, since the EC-30 also knows shore power status (except for some classics that don't have the shore power sense), it can make the decision to trigger a gen start. For gen stop, the roof unit controller should get info from the thermostat when the temperature goal has been satisfied and shuts off the GEN trigger signal. The EC-30 should then in turn schedule a genset shutdown.
As an alternative, you might consider using a notification system that warns you about high temps or shore power loss, then use appropriate tools to start your genset remotely if needed.