Anyone Perform Maintenance on Atwood HydroFlame Furnace?
Yet another project to tackle, with another shortcoming from the manufacturer...
I have a 2017 Palazzo 33.2, with an Atwood Hydroflame furnace. Upon return from a 2400-mile trip, I noticed that the bottom edge of my furnace (bezel, door, the whole thing) was sticking out almost 1/2 an inch from the side of the coach! I could feel weight when pushing in on it, so it wasn't just the trim ring (bezel). Yet the six screws in the door were still tight; and after taking them out, I still couldn't remove the cover. So not wanting to break anything, I opened up the panel under the bathroom counter - and noticed that the furnace was sitting 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch above the shelf! Oh - and no leg under the shelf on the near corner. So all this time, the furnace hadn't been actually sitting on anything! So I added a leg under the shelf, and glued some thin plywood to the shelf under the unit to make the furnace snug and level - which pulled it flush with the exterior of the coach.
But then I got to thinking: If the furnace "door" (according to the Atwood manual) was still tight, yet the entire bezel and door were sticking out from the side of the coach (since it was sitting above the shelf!), what's holding the furnace in?
So 1) Is the door simply snug, or is it glued? Once I remove the 4 screws on the exhaust vent, take it out (which is also snug and not easily moved), and remove the 6 screws out of the door, should I be able to pry the door off? Easily? And 2) once the door is off, should I see some broken/missing/loose screws that should be holding the furnace in place?
As always, thanks for any help and/or experience you all might be able to give!