Originally Posted by tbussche
We are planning a trip up the west coast from San Diego to Vancouver. We would like to stay close to the coast for our route of travel. We have a 40' motorhome and towing a car. Any must see or just avoid places? Places to stay?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
How long do you have to make the drive?
Which Vancouver, Washington State, or British Columbia?
Have you been to California before? The Coast of Oregon? Any part of Oregon?
Have you done two-lane road mountain driving in your RV with toad?
When you are going also plays into your choices. Not too well known but the best time to see the California Coast is late Autumn, Winter and early Spring. In the Summer the fog rolls in and you will have coastal fog until around noon. [Has to do with the cold ocean and warm inland temps.] The Pacific Ocean keeps the air temperature close to the same year around at 60 to 70 degrees. It may get colder on the beach on cloudy days. Above Point Conception (North of Santa Barbara) the ocean temperature is ~58 degrees year around. Always figure the wind will blow and make you colder. It doesn't always blow but it is unpredictable. You don't have to go too far inland and the air temperature will rise dramatically. Regardless, on the Coast it will always cool down in the evening and you will need a jacket/coat after dark. This is especially so in San Francisco where they sell lots of sweat shirts to the tourists that didn't take a jacket on their day trip.
There are literally hundreds of places to see. Some are truly too beautiful to pass up but aren't exactly on the California Coast--Yosemite comes to mind.
Big Sur is another great place but if you haven't done much cliff side driving, getting there going North on Highway 1 from So Calif won't be enjoyable. You can back track from Monterey though, there is an RV park in Big Sur (no, I haven't stayed there).
If you haven't been to San Francisco or driven across the Golden Gate Bridge they are a must but you will have to drive through San Francisco on crowded streets. If you have the time stay in a RV park and drive the toad to see SF and cross the Golden Gate.