Well, I hate it, but every great trip has to end at some point.
We are back home now. Pulled in around 3 PM. Left Niagara at 7 AM on Saturday, and spent the night at a Wal Mart in Winchester VA. last night. This trip was the first time we tried Wal Mat camping. Did it 2 nights, and no problems. The only thing I find that takes some getting used to, is the smell of exhaust fumes all night. I guess that is the all my life country boy in me. Not used to being in big towns and cities, (and big parking lots) with my windows open all night. But, it was nothing that would stop me from doing it again. Not nauseating or anything. Just not the country air I am used to.
We spent our last day, Friday in Canada. We went to the Butterfly Conservatory, and the Wild Bird Kingdom. I recommend both of these places as a stop in your tour of the area. If you go to the Butterfly Conservatory, GO EARLY. They open at 9 am. Be there then, and you will have a relaxing, slow paced visit. Late in the afternoon, it gets to 1 1/2 hour waiting time to get in, and is so packed, you cannot get the full picture of the graceful beauty of the place. We took a drive up the Canadian side of the Niagara River to Niagara on the Lake. A gorgeous little town established there in the early 1700's. Lots of great little shops, and eateries in the preserved downtown area. Another must see place.
And I Can't forget to mention our trip we did on Thursday. Fo4r the truly adventurous, take a hike along the Niagara River. Actually down in the gorge next to the river itself. We did the toughest one, which is the Whirpool Rapids hike. 2 miles round trip, and taking it slow to enjoy the scenery, and get some spectacular photos, and eating our packed lunch, it took us 4 hours. Lots of boulders to climb over, but it takes you to one of the most awesome, and powerful places on the river after the falls. There ar 3 other hiking trails in the gorge itself that you can take. the other 3 are a bit easier than the Whirlpool. Check them out. You will not be disappointed. I will post more pics in the next couple of days. Got to get my mind focused on going back to work in the morning.
Niagara has been a wonderous trip for us, and we have gotten to really see an awesome peice of nature up close and in person. I recommend it to everyone.