Spring and Fall 2025
Working on a fall trip to New England. I was only going up to Virginia, but DH, aka the Driver, wants to go further north. He really enjoyed our trip up there in 2022.
I think we might travel up through the Hudson River Valley, I enjoyed that area and the Halloween of it all as we head to Vermont and back over to Massachusetts. We stayed at Winhall Brook on our previous visit, I would like to go further north this time, suggestions?
We are also thinking about a couple of days in Philadelphia, but it seems to be as difficult as New York City to visit in a motor home. Suggestions?
We will probably spend 6 weeks on the trip leaving out the end of September.
No serious planning yet, all ideas of stops are appreciated.
Big enough, DH, me and the greys!
2016 Thor ACE, 30.1.
2014 CRV