Been enjoying this forum and posted a few questions since we purchased our new to us RV in Jan 08. I found all the info/posts/members to be a great resource for us new RV'rs .
Thank you to all. Worked hard preparing the rig for our 1st road trip.
Laurie the 2 dogs and me. One night at races, 3 nights at CG's and 4 nights booning.
In brief: Started in Plymouth MA on Thursday to Dover DE for Craftsman truck race on Friday. From there went west to Pigeon Forge Dolly's Stampede dinner, West to Nashville, 2 days in Olde Opry, Then north being chased by storms to Buffalo NY, East to Rome NY and home to the Pilgrims.
Great 1st trip with 1999 Seabreeze we purchased in Jan 08. Milage ranged from 7.7 in the backroads of Kentucky to 10.38 at 58mph on highway.
Thanks again to everyone and great travels to you all.