Originally Posted by SteveLevin
If you are going to cross the 101/Golden Gate for the scenery, be sure to check the weather. Nothing more annoying than fighting the traffic through the city after crossing the bridge in heavy fog where you can't see anything anyway.
If you've already seen the Golden Gate, I second/third/fourth/fifth the 12->80->880->101 routing. Much, much quicker.
I agree. Once you cross the Golden Gate 101 takes you right through downtown street traffic in San Francisco. There's really no highway here...you drive straight through the city, traffic, lights and all. Unless you want to see/cross the bridge I'd avoid it. We used to drive that route (Van Ness) everyday when we lived there and personally wouldn't like to take the big rig on it.
If you do decide to cross the bridge I agree with Scarab0088 and prefer 280 just south of the city. Much more scenic and relaxed than 101. So would second taking that to 85 to 101. Once there take 101 all the way down. It's a nice drive.