Texas will be slightly better on that part of I-10.
Your biggest problem will be between Van Horn and Junction, TX. Much of that 300ish miles is signed for an 80 mph speed limits, and you will have big trucks passing you 10 to 15 mph over the speed limit.
Stay in the right lane and your best cruising speed.
Now personally whenever possible, I take US-90 from Van Horn to San Antonio. (There is a signed 13' 7" bridge where US-90 goes under the railroad on the west end of Alpine, with an easy to use bypass at the first intersection west of the bridge if you wish to use that.)
US 90 is a much less stressful drive. It also takes you around San Antonio on the much better I-410 loop.
US-87 to Victoria and US-59 takes you south of I-10 be the big plus is arrival in Houston. You can turn south on TX-6 over to I-45 just north of Galveston and avoid driving in Houston.
If you insist upon driving through Houston city traffic, be aware that the large outer loop freeway, the Sam Houston Tollway or Beltway 8 for old folks - is a toll road.
RV Trip Wizard seems to hate taking any road to Freeport and getting on the Bluewater Highway along the beach to get to Galveston. Despite it being a very popular route to avoid I-45 and the south of Houston cities traffic.
TX-36 south from I-10 at Sealy or south from Rosenber if on US-59 - will take you to Freeport.
US Navy 1972 - 1992 - SCPO Retired
Sometimes I wonder what happened to folks after I give them directions.