How about simply asking your Bank loan officer to pre-approve you for both loans? Use this information to help stay within your budget and to shop for a better loan deal. Worst case scenerio, financially, will be that you end up paying the pre-approved terms.
Dealers typically have a lot of room to discount down from MSRP. This will apply if you order or buy off the lot. You could expect the same discount either way.
When researching our purchase we found the forums and you tube to be great places to learn about RVing. Certainly helps to remove the "blinders" and make for more informed decisions. Dig deep and read about all aspects prior to making a move.
Good luck!
Doug & Cindy
2014 Cedar Creek 36ckts, Disc Brakes, EMS, Trav'lr, 20k GooseBox
2018 Ram 2500 CCSB CTD 4x4 RASS