After a long dry spell, we had 3 days of driving rains (sonoma county, CA). I monitored the inside ceiling and vents, speakers and found no signs of incoming water during the deluge. Later in the kitchen area I noticed some dampness on the floor in the area where the stove and 'fridge share a wall. (stove is 4" back from the 'fridge so creates a 'corner' and that is where I could see with the use of a flashlight, slight sheen of water between the wood paneling under 'fridge and stove and linoleum). I opened the panels under both appliances and noticed a bit of dampness under the 'fridge. I searched both areas carefully and felt upwards to see if there was dripping water or dampness of the interior wood and found none. Carefully checked the water heater and pipes running from it...again nothing. I put paper towels to wick the water from the area between stove and 'fridge and replaced towels about 6 times. Today the towel left overnight was dry.
Sorry this is long-winded, but I want to state what was done to locate potential leak.
Next step is to go up top and use a sealant where I might see cracks and around A/C, vents, and just for preventative measures.
In the past I had two RV repairmen check the roof for said preventative measures. One spent about an hour "sealing" the roof here and there. The problem is, I stupidly
did not ask what was used. Is there a brushable sealant that I can use on an EPDM roof? (I noticed a small pint (?)sized can when the one guy came down from the roof.)
Since it is up to me, I'm hoping there is such a product that is fairly easy to use.
Suggestions? tips? products used? Thanks!!!!