Thanks so much for responding, Travis.
We are having the hitch installed in our truck locally and buying our new 5th wheel 60-some miles away. When I phoned the dealer informing him of the plate that needed to be installed, he made it sound as if there would be additional charges, due to what he suggested was a lot of time and labor.
I've read quite a bit on the SuperGlide and found that some prefer welding the plate; however, we are opting to just have it bolted, and only hoping the kingpin box of our new Jazz is large enough to accommodate the plate, otherwise it appears we would have to purchase an additional hardware kit. These are issues I read from forums dated in 2004 so hopefully Pullrite and/or 5th wheel manufacturers have resolved this dilemma.
If it weren't for the dealer reneging on the quote he gave to install the hitch, we would have allowed them to install everything. Now I just feel he is taking advantage because we will need this plate in order to make the Pullrite fully functional.....but then again, if the plate doesn't get installed, then we can't possibly buy their product. Just frustrated!!
Thanks again for your input. JW