Applying the Eternabond is an art. It sticks to its self all too well. Don't try it on a windy day

. You only get 1 good shot at it, no repositioning possible.
I learned to: Mark where the (side) edges are to go (pencil or washable marker). Apply it as it unrolls. Line up about a foot of tape. Start at one end, remove about 1 inch of backing exposing the goo and place it well. Then expose more goo, press in place, leaving some room to pull and expose more goo. Unroll more. Repeat until the end. Cut with a sharp disposable razor knife. (It's hard to clean the Goo off a blade.)
BTW: My A-Frame roof does not have enough "meat" to take screws. It also flexes which makes all sealants a temporary fix. Well, I drive some rough roads.
Steve, I like how your sealing yours..