The Good Lord was watching over me today.......
King Salami and I decided to go over to Hollister Hills this morning
and see how my new King Quad handled..... I also wanted to get
my mileage up to 100 miles, so I could do the first service on it.
I found out that the KQ is definitely not as playful as my Honda Sportrax
and the steering is much harder to manage, especially when the trail
got dicey.
I was headed downhill and hit a decent size rut which surprisingly
yanked the handlebars out of my grip...... and from there it really
went downhill! The KQ veered to the right which launched it up
the slope and I knew it was gonna roll. I bailed to the left and tried
to scramble but after the quad did a full roll, it then landed on top of
me and the left front tire and front end of the machine pinned me to
to ground so I couldn't move it off me. **** 600 pounds of metal
plus getting the wind knocked out of me was a real wake up call as
to how fragile we can be.
Since I couldn't budge the quad nor my upper torso, I found that I was
able to reposition my legs and got some leverage to push myself forward
and finally extricate myself. The chest protector sure saved me from
really getting hurt and I have a new respect for this beast of a quad.
I've now decided to keep the 400 Sportrax as my fun machine for
the sand and ragin' ..... the KQ will be for respectful trail riding from
now on.