Okay...broke it but not how you might think!
Was putting ice down toilet to help agitate the tank for the ride home and prior to dumping and a chunk got caught in the flapper (we have the type that looks like a ball??? not sure the model)...and I just kept trying to flush it. Heard a pop and the flapper stopped moving...sounded like it came off a track (or whatever the mechanism might be that connects it to the flush lever).
Anyone have to deal with fixing this? Is it as easy as disconnecting the water line, pulling the toilet up, flipping it over and fixing??
Thanks all!
Jason, Beth, 9yo son & 6yo dot; 2 border collies. 2001 Ford F250 SD 4x4 V10; 2008 Skyline Malibu 2510. 1st time TT'er...upgraded from 1983 Starcraft 21' popup...